The AQI of Dehradun on dated "04/02/2025" :: "68". (Time 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM), Category : Satisfactory
Welcome Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board
Air Quality Index
Uttaranchal Pollution Control Board was established in Year 2001 as per Section (4) of Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 by Forest and Environment Division, Uttarakhand Secretariat's notification no 7756/I-V.G.V/2001-13(5)/2000 dated 26.12.2001. With continuation to the same Uttaranchal Pollution Control Board was reconstructed by the Forest and Environment Division, Uttarakhand Secretariat notification no. 153/1(2)/V.G.V./2002-13(5)/2000 dated 01-05-2002
Vide notification no. 1100/1(1)(2)/V.G.V./2003-13(5)/2000/T.C. dated 14.07.2003 of the Forest and Environment Division, Uttarakhand Secretariat. of Uttaranchal Pollution Control Board was changed to Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board.
Vide notification no. 967/XXXVII-19-13(05)/2000 dated 11.12.2019 of the Forest and Environment Division, Uttarakhand Secretariat. Name of Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board was changed to Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board.
Quality Standards - Industry
User Manual -For industries & Units seeking consent/noc under Air,Water & Haz Rules(290KB)