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SOP under Rule 9 _Hazardous Waste


Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid in manufacturing of Precipitated Silica, Colloidal silica and Silica gel

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric acid (generated from Dye & Dye Intermediates & Organic Chemical Industries) in manufacturing of Ferrous Copper Zinc Sulphate

Utilization of ETP Sludge in manufacturing of iron ore pellet

Utilization of ETP sludge generated from wastewater treatment of ceramic industries in manufacturing of Ceramic products

Recovery of Caffeine from Caffeine liquor

Utilization of spent ammonia liquor (generated during manufacturing of pesticide products) in manufacturing of liquor ammonia

Utilization of Spent Calcium Hypochlorite (generated during manufacturing of High Strength Bleach Powder) as neutralizing agent in ETP

Utilization of Spent Aluminum Chloride (generated from manufacturing of CPC Green - 7 and Pigment Phthalocynine Green) as a coagulant in CETP

Utilization of Spent Aluminum Chloride (generated from manufacturing of CPC Green - 7 and Pigment Phthalocynine Green) as a coagulant in CETP

Utilization of ETP Sludge of fertilizer industry in manufacturing of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP)/NPK Fertiliser

Utilization of ETP Sludge of fertilizer industry in manufacturing of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP)/NPK Fertiliser

Utilization of Used Oil and Off Specification Products (Shampoo, Detergent & Creams) for Recycling

Utilization of Aluminium dross & its residues for recovery of Aluminium metal and manufacturing of Aluminium oxide briquette

Utilization of LD/GCP Sludge, LD/GCP Classifier Sludge and Blast Furnace Flue Dust for manufacturing of L.D. Sludge agglomerates

Pre-processing of waste Silicon Carbide Refractory bricks from Pot lining waste generated from primary Aluminium Smelters

Utilization of Spent acid containing HCl generated as waste pickling liquor from Steel Industries (Hazardous Waste Category 13.1 of Schedule-I of HOWM Rules, 2016) for Regeneration of HCl and production of Ferric Oxide

Utilization of Resin and Glue waste (Hazardous Waste Category 23.1 of Schedule-I of HOWM Rules, 2016) as Supplementary fuel in tile manufacturing industry

Utilization of Spent Hydrochloric acid generated from glass manufacturing industry [Hazardous Waste Category Class B15 Inorganic acids (Schedule II of HOWM Rules, 2016] for manufacturing of Calcium Chloride

Utilization of waste salts generated from CETPs/ETPs of Textile manufacturing/processing industries for recovery of salts for industrial use

Utilization of Spent Hydrochloric acid [generated during manufacturing of Trichloroethylene/Perchloroethylene (or) Chlorinated Paraffin Wax] for manufacturing of 7ADCA

Utilization of Spent Hydrochloric acid (generated during manufacturing of Chlorinated Paraffin Wax) for manufacturing of Calcium Chloride

Utilization of spent sulphuric acid generated during manufacturing of Hydrobromic acid as resource material in manufacturing of Bromine (liquid) through bittern route

Utilization of metal and metal bearing wastes for recovery of metal alloys n Salts

Utilization of dilute acetic for manufacturing of acetic anhydride

Utilization of ETP Sludge for manufacturing of red oxide and Gypsum

Utilization of brine sludge for manufacturing of bricks

Utilization of Magnesium Chloride in MAP process in CETP

Utilization of ETP Sludge as fuel in Recovery Boiler

Utilization of Sludge gen from SANF CETP for manufacturing of bricks

Utilization of ETP sludge generated from Textile Industry to use as a Supplementary fuel along with Coal in Thermic Fluid Heater (TFH)/ Boiler.

Utilization of Spent Sodium Hypo Chlorite along with Fresh/Spent Caustic Solution for manufacturing of Sodium Hypochlorite.

Utilization of Spent TiO2-NaCl cake generated from process residue/waste containing chloride from the catalyst manufacturing industries for recovery of Titanium Dioxide.

Utilization of Aluminium dross residues generated from separation of metal from Aluminium dross or Aluminium dross reprocessing units for manufacturing of Alum

 Utilization of Spent Acid generated from dyes & dyes intermediate industries in production of another dyes and dye intermediate products

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid generated from dyes & dyes intermediate industries in production of another dyes and dye intermediate products

 Utilization of Tarry residue waste and coal tar sludge for production of Naphthalene Oil, Creosote oils, Anthracene Oil and coal tar pitch

Utilization of Tarry residue waste for production of Creosote oils and coal tar pitch

Utilization of residue/rejects generated from processing of Aluminium Dross of Aluminium Smelting process for production of synthetic slag

Utilization of Spent Ammonium Carbonate (generated during manufacturing of CPC Blue) for manufacturing of Zinc carbonate, Copper carbonate, Manganese carbonate, Magnesium carbonate and Ferrous carbonate

Utilization of Spent Ammonium Carbonate (generated during manufacturing of Copper Pthalocyanin Blue) in manufacturing of zinc carbonate and copper carbonate

Utilization of spent acid generted from dye & dye intermediate, chemical manufacturing and textile industries as neutralizing agent in ETP/CETP

Utilization of Spent acid generated fron Dye and Dye Intermediates Industries chemical manufacturing Industries as neutralizing agent in ETP/CETP

Utilization of Spent acid generated fron Dye and Dye Intermediates Industries chemical manufacturing Industries as neutralizing agent in ETP/CETP

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric acid generated fron Dye and Dye Intermediates Industries chemical manufacturing Industries as neutralizing agent in ETP/CETP

 Utilization of Spent Alkali Bromide and Spent Acidic Bromide generated during manufacturing of various pesticides, pharmaceuticals and organic chemicals for recovery of liquid Bromide

Utilization of Spent Alkali Bromide and Spent Acidic Bromide generated during manufacturing of various pesticides, pharmaceuticals and organic chemicals for recovery of liquid Bromide

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid generated during manufacturing of 4, 4-Diaminobenzenesulfanilide (DABSA) in manufacturing of Para Amino Benzene Sulphonic acid (PABSA)

Utilization of Spent liquid Glauber salt (Generated during para base vinyl sulphone manufacturing process) for Production of Reactive Dye (Reactive Orange 2 R)

Utilization of spent ammonium chloride generated during production of Hexamethyl Di Silazane for manufacturing of Ammonium chloride

Utilization of spent sulphuric acid generated during manufacturing of G salt for production of R complex Gamma acid

Utilization of Spent Aluminium chloride generated during manufacturing process of Dye and Dye intermediate, Pharmaceuticals & pesticides Industries in manufacturing of Aluminum Hydroxide Chloride / Poly Aluminium Chloride

Utilization of Spent Aluminium chloride in manufacturing of Aluminum Hydroxide Chloride / Poly Aluminium Chloride(c) Utilization of Spent Aluminium chloride in manufacturing of Aluminum Hydroxide Chloride / Poly Aluminium Chloride

Utilization of used/waste thinner for manufacturing of Industrial primer to be used as Automotive paints

Utilization of Waste Dichromate Solution generated during manufacturing of Ibuprofen for production of Basic Chromium Sulphate

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid generated during manufacturing of Vinyl Sulphone, for production of H-Acid (HW category 26.3 of Sch-I)

Utilization of Spent Phosphoric Acid generated during manufacturing of Quinacridone Pigment, for production of Dibasic Calcium Phosphate (HW Category No. 26.3 of Sch-I)

Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid (generated during manufacturing of 3,5-Dichloro Nitro Benzene) and Spent Sodium Thiosulphate

Utilization of Flue gas cleaning residue generated from Steel Scrap Melting Induction Furnace, for zinc extraction (HW category No. 35.1 of Sch-I)

Utilization of Synthetic Oil Based mud / Oil based drill cutting waste in Road construction (HW category No. 2.1 and 2.3 of Sch-I)

Utilization of Gasifier Slag containing Nickel & Spent Catalyst containing Molybdenum generated during production of ammonia in nitrogenous fertilizer industry

Utilization of Coal Tar and Tarry Residue generated from Coal Gasifier Units

Utilization of spent sulphuric acid generated during manufacturing 4, 4-Diamino benzene sulphananilide

(a) Utilization of Spent Pot Lining (SPL) generated from Primary Aluminium Smelting Industries

(b) Utilization of Spent Pot Lining (SPL) generated from Primary Aluminium Smelting Industries
(c) Utilization of Spent Pot Lining (SPL) generated from Primary Aluminium Smelting Industries

Utilization of Tungsten scrap (Tungsten carbide insert tips) generated from metal cutting operations

Captive utilization of Spent ion exchange resin generated from Demineralization (DM) plant in DRI Kiln of Sponge Iron

(a) Utilization of spent ion Exchange resin generated from Demineralization (DM) plant

(b) Utilization of spent ion exchange resin generated from Demineralization (DM) plant
(c) Utilization of spent ion exchange resin generated from Demineralization (DM) plant

Utilization of spent alumina generated from polymerization in swing unit of petrochemical plant

Utilization of Resin waste generated during resin Impregnation of Electrical coils

Utilization of spent acid containing molybdenum generated during manufacturing of filaments in bulb/lamp Industry

Utilization of spent carbon (carbon residue) generated from urea fertilizer Industry

Utilization of ETP sludge generated from pulp and paper Industry

Utilization of Phenolic waste water generated from coal gasifier Condensate water

Utilization of Vanadium Sludge Generated From Alumina Refineries

Utilization of spent sulphuric acid generated during manufacturing of coal 313 dye using Anthraquinone

(a) Utilization of Hydro Fluoro Silicic Acid Generated From Single Super Phosphate Fertilizer Industries

(b) Utilization of Hydro Fluoro Silicic Acid Generated From Single Super Phosphate Fertilizer Industries

Utilization of Spent Fixer (Hypo) solution Generated From Photographic / X-Ray Films

Utilization of contaminated barrels /containers drums containing hazardous wastes/chemicals/oil and lubricants


(a) Utilization of Spent Solvent for recovery of solvent
(b) Utilization of Spent Solvent for recovery of solvent
(c) Utilization of Spent Solvent for recovery of solvent
(d) Standard Operating Procedures and Checklist of Minimal Requisite Facilities for utilization of HW under Rule 9 of the Hazar. and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary movement) Rules, 2016














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